Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Do you take self referrals?
Do you take self referrals?
Do you take self referrals?
Do you take insurance?
Do you take insurance?
Do you take insurance?
Do you see infants?
Do you see infants?
Do you see infants?
What about adults?
What about adults?
What about adults?
Do you offer Telehealth services?
Do you offer Telehealth services?
Do you offer Telehealth services?
What is the cost of your care?
What is the cost of your care?
What is the cost of your care?
Do you perform IQ or academic achievement testing?
Do you perform IQ or academic achievement testing?
Do you perform IQ or academic achievement testing?
Do you perform other standardized developmental & diagnostic testing?
Do you perform other standardized developmental & diagnostic testing?
Do you perform other standardized developmental & diagnostic testing?